Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Haunted Holtville: The Scariest House in Town?


   When I was in my early twenties my family moved from our home of 17 years on Kamm Rd., about a half-mile outside of Holtville, to a new home on the edge of town.

   Across the street and slightly to the east of our new home was an older house surrounded by a fence made of railroad ties driven into the ground. Time had taken a toll on the wooden beams and the entire fence leaned slightly inward toward the house, giving it a very guarded feeling from the outside. The place gave off a weird vibe right from the get-go, but at that point we had no idea just how strange the place truly was.

    The house was empty when we moved into the neighborhood and remained that way for some time. A couple of different people moved into the house, but no one stayed for long. They mostly waited until their six-month lease was up and quickly moved out. One of those people later became a family friend and shared some truly creepy stories about their stay in the house, but they don't want to be identified in this story, so we'll just call her Mrs. Smith.

   Mrs. Smith moved into the house with her family and quickly discovered that it was not a fun place to live. She reported feeling something or someone sit down on the edge of her bed at night when she knew no one was there. She experienced strange sounds and touches. And most disturbing of all, she was once pinned to her bed by an unseen force, unable to move and heard a voice whisper in her ear "Tell them I love them."

   I had moved away and was living in Arizona when all this happened, but as soon as I moved back to Holtville in 2009 I had my own experience involving the house, the only experience that I've had in my life that I'm absolutely sure was supernatural.

   My wife Liz (then my fiancĂ©) and I were looking for a place in town to rent and momentarily considered the creepy old house across from my parents. Keep in mind that this was before we heard the ghost stories from the previous tenants. We called the number on the rental sign out front and strangely enough, the realtor told us that they didn't know anything about the house and that they didn't even handle any homes in Holtville. We tried for about two weeks to find the actually management company or individual that was renting the house, but to no avail. It kind of felt like the house didn't want to be rented. As strange as that sounds, that's the feeling we both got.

   Since we couldn't find anybody to show us the house, and we knew it was empty at the time, we went over by ourselves one evening to have a look around the outside. The house seemed to be oddly laid-out and constructed and we discovered that there's actually a hidden garage door built into the side of the house. As we made our way around one particularly dark corner of the house, Liz and I both started feeling light-headed and dizzy and very, very unwelcome. We got out of there and decided we didn't want to rent the place after all.

   A few days later Liz and I were sitting in front of the fence of my parents' front lawn late at night, not far from the house across the street. We heard rustling sounds in the yard behind the railroad tie fence, coming from the same corner of the property that had given us the willies a few days earlier. My first thought was that a small animal of some sort was scuffling around, but then we heard a door slam loudly and an angry old woman's voice distinctly yell: "Get outta there!" Then in a split second everything fell silent.

   You might say what we heard could have been anything or anyone, and you may be right, but I'm certain enough in my own head that what we heard was a ghost.

   I knew I wanted to write a story about a haunted house in Holtville for Halloween this year and this was the only one I could think of, but I’m sure there are plenty more. Have you experienced a haunting or any other ghostly activity here in the Carrot Capital? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

Halloween 2012: Holtville's Best Decorated Homes


   Last night we drove up and down every street in Holtville, stopping at what we considered to be the best decorated homes this Halloween. Here are our top 5 favorites:

#5 - This display at 1112 Eighth Street was simple, but beautiful with wonderful color choices
for the lights and intricate spider-web work.

#4 -This home at 829 7th Street featured a jolly-looking inflatable pumpkin witch as a centerpiece, but it was the small touches that put it on our list, including a spider that was back-lit with a strobe light.

#3 - This home at the southwest corner of Palm Ave. and Eighth Street was super simple featuring
nothing more than a green light, some spider webs, a spider and a jack-o-lantern, but it was spooky
and atmospheric and quite stunning, even from a distance.
#2 - This display, found at 605 Maple Ave., would have taken the top spot for it's pure spectacle, featuring a whole mountain of light-up, inflatable decorations, but it wasn't quite as creative as our first-place winner. These decorations are all store-bought and slightly generic, but it's how the decorations were placed that made the display standout.
#1 - Our favorite display this Halloween can be found at 954 Beale Ave. The homeowners who created this set-up clearly went above and beyond, showing a ton of creativity, unique decorations, a pleasing lay-out, and plenty of small details in their haunted graveyard-style display. I took photos of this home around midnight Tuesday and the owners were still busy working on it, adding last minute touches including a caged-skeleton which screamed and begged to be let free. The display was already awesome, but I’m sure it will be even better tonight when it’s completely finished. Don’t miss it!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Scientists Say Brawley Quake Swarms Caused By Active Volcano Under Salton Sea


   Scientists announced today that the Salton Buttes, a series of volcanoes under the Salton Sea are much more active than previously thought and are responsible for the swarm of earthquakes that recently struck Brawley and for the rotten egg stench that recently covered much of southern California for a number of days. And not only that, but the USGS has now listed the volcanoes as having a high threat potential for future volcanic blasts. You can read to the full story here:

Video: Big Bad Wolf Live at Barbara Worth Resort

   Holtville's own Big Bad Wolf took to the stage at Barbara Worth Resort Friday night for an acoustic set, followed by a full-band, electric performance. Watch the band play 'Take it Easy' by The Eagles below: 

El Centro Police Chief: Halloween Disguises Won't Work on Cops


   The El Centro Police Department just issued a statement warning drunk drivers to stay off the roads of Imperial County this Halloween to avoid DUI checkpoints and saturation patrols, but the statement is kind of oddly-worded, warning Halloween revelers that their "disguise won't make them invisible to the Police," and the ECPD Police Chief actually says, "If you really want to be scared this Halloween, try getting pulled over by a police car that suddenly appears out of nowhere." Is he actually suggesting that we need to be afraid of the police? Wow. Just wow. Here's the rest of the statement:

   [El Centro, CA]— If you think a Halloween costume will disguise your drunk or drug impaired driving, the Avoid the 8 – Imperial County DUI Task Force has a message just for you – “keep the party off the road.”

   The Avoid the 8 - Imperial County DUI Task Force will be deploying additional officers on DUI Saturation Patrols supplementing routine patrols in several communities in the county.  

    “Local revelers should be aware that their Halloween disguises won't make them invisible to the Police, Sheriff or CHP officers who will crack down on drunk and drug impaired drivers throughout the region with an aggressive Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement effort,” said Police Chief Jim McGinley.

In fact, Chief McGinley noted, its law enforcement officers who are more likely to be ‘invisible’ to partygoers who have had too many drinks or take drugs to be driving.  “If you really want to be scared this Halloween, try getting pulled over by a police car that suddenly appears out of nowhere,” Chief McGinley said.  “Of course, one thing is for sure, the police arresting drunk or drug impaired drivers this Halloween will be visible enough, and they won't be mistaken for treats by folks who may think they are fine to drink and drive,” he added.

   Nighttime is always a dangerous time on the road, but Halloween can be particularly scary if you get behind the wheel drunk or find yourself around a drunk driver.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 41 percent of all highway fatalities throughout the nation during the Halloween period in 2010 (6 p.m. Oct. 29 to 6 a.m. Nov. 1) involved a driver or a motorcycle rider with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher. 

   “The scariest parts of Halloween aren’t the spooky costumes and scary pranks,” said Christopher J. Murphy, Director of the California Office of Traffic Safety. “It’s a fact that too often drivers don’t plan ahead and end up turning reality into something much worse than the worst horror movie.”

   To keep safe this Halloween, The Avoid the 8 Coalition recommends these simple tips:
Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin.
If you are taking medication or using drugs; beware! They can impair your driving, and 
especially never mix with alcohol.  
Before drinking, designate a sober driver, and leave your car keys at home.
If you’re impaired, take a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public 
transportation so you are sure to get home safely.
If you see a drunk driver on the road, Call 911!

   Funding for this operation is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Community Bulletin Board 10-26-2012

   There's no longer any need to leave your home to check the Holtville Community Bulletin Board on Holt Ave., now you can check it right here on This is Holtville every Friday!

1996 Vogue Motorhome, 49,000 Miles, 440 Dodge Engine, Has new brakes, tires, plugs, holding tanks, toilet, rebuilt generator, ceiling A/C with heater, water pump. For info call 1-760-235-2195. $4,000 or Best Offer. Can see pictures on Craigslist Sept. 30, or can see at 515 W. 9th Street, Holtville. 356-5835.

FOR RENT, for more information call 356-4110 or 562-1980.

YARD SALE. Viernes 26 Oct. 554 Grape. En Frente De Finley. 6:30 a.m.

YARD SALE. 705 Palm. Friday. 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Next to the High School.

WANTED: YOU! You're invited to Cornerstone's Fall Round-Up, October 28th at 10:15 a.m. 125 E. 6th St., Holtville (760) 356-1061

ASHLEY'S HOME CLEANING SERVICE. Call (760) 751-1129. Let Ashley clean your home.


RENTA STUDIO AMUEBLADO CON ESTUFA,  MICROONOAS, REFRIGE, RADOR Y TV. 2 personas $400, Persona Extra $100, Deposito $150. Informes Al (760) 356-9910, (760) 540-6804, (760) 540-6812.

YARD SALE. 567 Figueroa St., Friday, Oct. 26, 7 a.m.

YARD SALE. 320 W. 9th Street. Behind 875 Cedar Ave, House next to alley. Friday, October 26 & Saturday October 27. 6 a.m. -??

GARAGE SALE. 815 Beale Ave. Thursday & Friday, October 25 & 26, Starting at 8 a.m.

MOVING SALE: Electronics, speakers, stereo, computer, TV, Tools, Clothes, Furniture, Car, Motorcycle & Gear, 1654 Zenos Rd., Saturday October 27, 6 a.m.

YARD SALE: Lunas 29 Oct. Calle 6 y Grape Fronte a FINLEY apartments. de 7 a 10 a.m.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Holtville Girl Scouts Learn All About Bullying, Pizza

Imperial County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Coordinator Aide Flores-Gallegos teaches
Holtville's Girl Scout troop how to prevent bullying at their meeting today. 

   Holtville's Girl Scout troop learned all about how to prevent bullying at school from Imperial County Sheriff's Office Crime Prevention Coordinator Aide Flores-Gallegos. Flores-Gallegos taught the girls different tactics for dealing with bullies and how to stand up for themselves. 

   The girls also tried their hand at making their very own personal pizzas under the supervision of troop leader Georgina Camacho. Check out the video below for a short photo slideshow of the girls' activities, followed by footage of Flores-Gallegos giving her talk: